You can find a more recent version of this page here.
Please, if you have enough free disk space, consider downloading the
Wikipedia snapshots and the other cool stuff showed in this page. If you are admin in an external free-licensed wiki, please, publish backups of the text articles and images.
No more Libraries of Alexandria destroyed
This p
age contains a lot of
links to historical info about Wikipedia, his sister projects (
Meta) and her predecessors (Nupedia).
Wikipedia pages can be edited by everyone, and the histories are saved and publicly available, but usually is hard to find very old things. I hope you enjoy this page. Nostalgia time!
Have you got more historical info about Wikipedia? Please, share it with us, emijrp TA gmail TOD com
Internet encyclopedia projects:
Dumps and backups
This is a list with some
links to Wikipedia dumps and other related bunches of raw data (usually many zipped GB, which sometimes expands to
Wiki[mp]edia dumps
Domas visits logs
Images tarballs
Mailing lists archives
- The Wiki[mp]edia mailing lists archives gzip'd links
- The Nupedia mailing lists:
- Our first article message by Larry Sanger:
Our first article is online now!
This is, of course, a modest beginning, but it's a very significant
development. Congratulations to Christoph Hust for being the first.
- A: aerospace-l, anthro-l, anomphen-l, archae-l, architect-l, astronomy-l,
- M: music-l,
- Z: zoology-l,
- Complete list
- Larry Sanger mails about Nupedia/Wikipedia in Usenet
More about dumps and research
Historical images
And now some historical images. See galleries:
English Wikipedia mainpage in 2001-03-31, with over 3000 articles (see more snapshots).
Screenshot from the early Wikipedia database download page (2003-12-13).
Internet Archive.